Taking a Stab at Cross Compiling

Cross compiling is something I’ve never really had a need to do before. All of my past Linux machines have been your standard 32Bit or 64Bit x86 based PCs, and have been fast enough that I’ve been able to compile on the machine it’ll be running on. But, if a 15 hour XBMC compile taught…

Time For VirtualBox

I’ll get around to the “why” of this in another post, but I’ve decided to setup VirtualBox on one of my Windows machines. With using Raspbian and Cubian, I figured I should probably keep things consistent and go with Debian.

Let’s Try Cubie Web Server

With XBMC on the CubieBoard a bust. It’s time to go back to my original thought, which is to set it up as a web server. While I will generally run this without a monitor connected, I have decided to restore from the backup that already has LXDE installed. Yes, I could set it up…

XBMC on a CubieBoard?

The very first result that Google gave me when trying to find information on running XBMC on the CubieBoard (which is powered by the Allwinner A10), was this link. http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Android_hardware This, in clear letters states… “Avoid hardware that uses the Allwinner series of chips (such as the Allwinner A10). Development is not going well for…

Cubian from the beginning…

This is one of those posts that’s purely here for my own reference documenting what I need to do in the event that I need to start all this over from scratch. This isn’t necessarily the exact order in which I’ve done things this time, as it’s taking me longer to resolve some issues over…

CubieBoard WiFi Made Simple (TP-Link TL-WN725N)

Today I went out and picked up a MicroSD card. After all of yesterday’s frustrations, I wanted to have more options, and I figured an 8GB card would be more than plenty to store an OS with both XBMC and a web development server. Chances are, it’ll never actually be getting used as both at…

More CubieBoard Adventures

So, I’m going to identify a couple of initial issues I’ve discovered with the default Linaro/Lubuntu Server image on the CubieBoard, and document how I’m getting around them, mostly for my own personal future reference, just so that if I have to start from scratch again, I have a frame of reference. So, problems?

Adventures with CubieBoard

Oh boy, what a day. Where to begin? Well, how’s about the beginning? I suppose that’s the usual order of things. I’d been looking at the various CubieBoards that are available for a little while now, and have had my heart set on a CubieTruck (it satisfies a few hardware needs for something I want…

Tiny computers are taking over

I’ve been using and working with x86 based PCs for a little over 21 years now. I started off with MS-DOS 3.3 and Windows 3.0 on a 286. The 40MB hard drive I had in there was so huge it had to be partitioned across two drive letters as the maximum partition size that MS-DOS…