Rebuilding the home network with 300+ new ports

This post is mostly a brain dump to remind me what my line of thinking was when I revisit this topic a year or two from now. You’ll find that I post these now and again. Writing things out helps me make sense of them and spot things I might have missed. Anyway… Networking. My…

New Beginnings…

You’re actually reading the default “Hello, World!” post that comes with a fresh WordPress installation. Rather than simply deleting it and making a new post, I’m editing it to give it new life and meaning. I’ve been going through something similar myself over the last couple of years. I love making content. I’ve always loved…

The YouTube gaming channel experiment

Recently I’ve been running some experiments with a second channel. The goal is to test out some YouTube theories and try to make some useful conclusions. I’m not able to put out content for my main YouTube channel as much as I’d like right now. So I figured perhaps a gaming channel would be a…

Turn off Facebook’s Auto-Playing Videos

It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s a step in the right direction. Lifehacker recently posted a way to turn these off, but at the moment Facebook only really allows you to do it on the desktop. We can turn it off for Android and iOS devices, but only if they’re using GPRS/3G/4G (ie, not WiFi),…

LPS Annual Projected Image Competition 2014

So we recently held Lancaster Photographic Society‘s Annual Projected Image Competition, judged by Tillman Kleinhans. Congratulations to Ruth and Allan for getting colour and mono Image of the Year, respectively. My images are shown at 8:18, 15:46, 24:20 and 29:14, and linked below the video.

It’s getting to be that time of year again

After 5 or 6 months of almost non-stop rain, we’ve finally started to see some breaks in the clouds the last couple of weeks and had one or two days of rather lovely sunshine. That means it’s time to get out of the studio and back on location! Throughout the year, even when I’m not…