Work Hard or Work Smart?

This post is the consequence of a conversation I had yesterday evening with my sister, chatting to her about the upcoming South Lakes Interclub Photography Competition, and how the whole thing works. But it is also kind of the point I was attempting to make on my previous post about fixing things in Photoshop that you…

Moving Linux to Smaller SD Cards

SD cards are pretty cheap these days, but that doesn’t mean we should let our smaller ones go to waste, especially when a system doesn’t fully utilise the space of a larger one that could be more useful elsewhere. So, what can we do?

Eye-Fi on Linux Part 2

When the Eye-Fi works so well with the iPad, why would I want to seemingly make life more complicated for myself by adding more hardware into the mix? Well, transferring to a Linux based machine like the CubieTruck offers me some advantages over the iPad. Some of them I alluded to in my previous post…

VirtualBox vs. Dedicated Linux System

I mentioned in an earlier post that I’d write a little bit more about my decision to run Debian through VirtualBox on a Windows machine. So, here we are. This post is more of a ramble than anything else. There’s no real substance here (and feel free to agree or disagree with that), I’m just…

Eye-Fi on Linux

My current WiFi situation on Location works for me at the moment. As I shoot, a couple of seconds after hitting the shutter, the images come up on my iPad screen.  I can immediately see which images have hit their focus and are nice and sharp without unwanted motion blur. I can get a better…

Taking a Stab at Cross Compiling

Cross compiling is something I’ve never really had a need to do before. All of my past Linux machines have been your standard 32Bit or 64Bit x86 based PCs, and have been fast enough that I’ve been able to compile on the machine it’ll be running on. But, if a 15 hour XBMC compile taught…

Time For VirtualBox

I’ll get around to the “why” of this in another post, but I’ve decided to setup VirtualBox on one of my Windows machines. With using Raspbian and Cubian, I figured I should probably keep things consistent and go with Debian.